Taan's Moons project

A feltmaking project creating felted illustrations for Taan's Moons. A story based on one version of the Haida Moon Cycle, describing each moon through the eyes of a bear.
Kindergarten classes (some mixed with Grade 1/2) of all six elementary schools on Haida Gwaii, BC
Kindergarten classes (some mixed with Grade 1/2) of all six elementary schools on Haida Gwaii, BC
Giving Trees of Haida Gwaii

8 weeks of feltmaking, drawing, painting, meditation and yoga classes
Kindergarten, Grade 1, Grade 4 and Grade 7 of Sk'aadgaa Naay Elementary School, Skidegate, BC
Kindergarten, Grade 1, Grade 4 and Grade 7 of Sk'aadgaa Naay Elementary School, Skidegate, BC
Rainbow Rock felting at Pacific Oaks Children's School, Pasadena, CA

Feltmaking workshop with 21 four- and five-year olds
at Pacific Oaks Children's School in Padadena (Los Angeles), California.
at Pacific Oaks Children's School in Padadena (Los Angeles), California.
Felt workshops at the Haida Gwaii Museum, Skidegate BC

Rainbow Rock feltmaking workshops
Kindergarten to Grade 7 students Elementary Schools in Skidegate, Queen Charlotte and Sandspit
Kindergarten to Grade 7 students Elementary Schools in Skidegate, Queen Charlotte and Sandspit
Felt workshops at the Haida Gwaii Museum

Three-dimensional vessel feltmaking workshops
Grade 10, 11 and 12 students, Queen Charlotte Secondary School
Learn more here.
Grade 10, 11 and 12 students, Queen Charlotte Secondary School
Learn more here.