Surrounded by Ancient Yew Trees
You are standing in the Ancient Grove
By the Well of the White Rose
Descending down the Steps
Window Portals show a Winding Path Ahead
Down to the Center
Embedded Crystal Mosaic Designs
In its very Center
A Mosaic Starflower with Nine Flames
Each One pointing to a Door
Looking around
The Emerald Door is open
Showing the Field of Innocence
The Sapphire Door is open
Showing the Ocean of Purity
Swirling around you see
Another open Doorway
A Silver Door
Surrounded by an Arch of Golden Wood
Flames set Inside
This month we open the Silver Door;
Realm of the Silver Dragon, Watery Air and Breath
Learn the Three-fold Dragon Breath activating the Subtle Body
We shall soothe the Silvery Energy System, the Nervous System and Lymphatic System,
Activating the Higher Heart through the Thymus Glands.
Allow yourself to step through the Silver Doorway and dream
a New Earth/Body into Being
Realm of the Silver Dragon, Watery Air and Breath
Learn the Three-fold Dragon Breath activating the Subtle Body
We shall soothe the Silvery Energy System, the Nervous System and Lymphatic System,
Activating the Higher Heart through the Thymus Glands.
Allow yourself to step through the Silver Doorway and dream
a New Earth/Body into Being